Care2 Blog Weekly Roundup (02/18/12)

Environment/Human Rights:

Bittersweet: The High Cost of Cheap Chocolate

Green Construction is Here to Stay

The Planet Hasn’t Noticed Your Green Lifestyle

The Future of Eating

Why Monsanto Fails at Sustainability


“There’s No Market for LGBT Fiction”: Are You Sure?

2013 NASA Budget Gutted

Leaked Documents From Climate Denialism Lobbyists Revealed

Care2 Blog Weekly Roundup (02/11/12)

Class Politics:

Local Politician Spends Month on Welfare

What Do Job Projections Mean When There Aren’t Enough Jobs?

Animal Welfare:

Canine Ear Cropping Banned in Manitoba

79 Dogs Seized from Illegal Manitoba Breeding Operation

Think Global, Work Local: Pet Ownership as Social Justice

Civil Rights:

Teachers Forced to Remove LGBT “Ally” Cards

Environment and Health:

Canada Health: BPA’s a Toxin But It’s Okay to Have It In Our Food

Care2 Blog Weekly Roundup (02/03/12)


Time to Stop Canada’s Polar Bear Hunt

Increase Arctic Shrubbery May Destroy Permafrost

NYC Cancels Winter Jam, Citing Lack of Winter

Hanford Site: Radiation Levels High, Progress Slow

Top Industry Experts: Green Energy is a Smart Investment

Animal Welfare:

Cat Undergoes Revolutionary New Full Knee Replacement

Civil Rights:

Are We Living in a Caste Society?

African Americans for Humanism Launch Awareness Campaign

Pseudoscience, Women’s Rights, and Skepchicks


Is Anyone Out There? Do We Care?

Who Are the Real Advocates For Oil?

New Study Links Racism and Conservative Beliefs with Low IQ

The Convenience Button and the Ethics of Climate Change

Rogers Challenges Truth in Advertising, Citing Civil Rights